How Strong is Straight and What is Poker Straight Meaning?

Native Blog / Saturday, January 21st, 2023

Each poker player should know primarily the value of each hand in poker. If you are a new one in poker and looking for the poker straight meaning, we could give you pieces of information about that.

If you are new to a poker game and looking for the poker straight meaning, we will give it to you.

What are Poker Hands?

Poker hands are called the cards from 52 cards deck form. Each hand has a certain value and can be called strong or weak. You should not limit your knowledge to  poker straight meaning, andknow the meaning of all the hands before starting to play:

  1. Royal flush: it is the best and the rarest poker hand. A royal flush is the combination of A+K+Q+J+10 of the same suit.
  2. Straight flush: the best hands in poker, a straight flush build with any five cards of the same suit that are gathered in a sequence.
  3. Four of a kind: this hand appears when all cards of the same rank are gathered together, for example, four Kings, or four tens
  4. Full house: three cards of the same rank plus a pair of two cards of the same rank
  5. Flush: the combination of the cards appears when five cards of one suit are gathered together
  6. Straight: five cards of the different suits but in the sequential order
  7. Three of a kind: you should gather 3 cards of the same rank
  8. Two pairs: two different pairs of the same ranks
  9. Pair: any pair of the same rank
  10. High Card: this poker hand is played where there is no card combination to be formed.

Poker players aim to play their hand right no matter how strong it is. You can bluff making other players fold and win even with the weak hand.

Meaning of the Poker Straight: Types of Straight

Straight has sixth place in the poker hands value ranking. Straight consist of 5 cards of sequential rank and different suits. The straight can be ranked as a high or as a low.

The Ace is ranked as high in the high rules, for example, A+K+Q+J+10. The Ace is ranked as low in the hand 5+4+3+2+A under the low rules.

The straight is valued due to the highest card in the hand. For example, let’s consider 6 hearts + 5 spades + 4 clubs+ 3 hearts + 2 diamonds hand. This type of straight is called six-high straight because 6 is the highest card in the hand.

The strength of the hand is also defined by the strongest card. For example, J+10+9+8+7 ranks higher than 9+8+7+6+5 and also higher than 6+5+4+ 3+2. All the cards can be of different suits. If there are two hands of similar cards and different suits they are considered equal.

The hand with the highest Ace card is called Broadway straight and is formed the following way: A+K+Q+J+10. When the high card is 5 the hand is called baby straight, for example, 5+4+3+2+A.