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About Me

Hello! I`m Marie from Strasbourg, a naturopathe, casino investor and philanthropist. Here I started my newspaper about winning in blackjack, pokker and baccarat!

I am very happy to meet you on my website and hope that I can help you improve your skills in playing blackjack online or in real Canadian casinos with best online slots.

I played poker for the first time in 1996 and I was immediately hooked on this game. It took me a long time to learn how to play poker well but once I did, it became one of my favorite past-times.

I`ve been a professional gambler for many years and have won quite a lot of money! But it is not the most important thing for me. I like gambling because it is a great way to spend time with friends and have fun. Most importantly, there are moments when we can win big money!

I have always been interested in investing and thanks to my skills at poker, I was able to invest wisely and make huge profits with the money I made playing poker. In fact, the money that I earned from poker was enough to pay for my tuition at university when I started studying medicine at 22 years old! That really made me realize how important it is to know how to play poker well if you want to make money with it.